Discover the Power of Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils in Healthcare – Ancient Secrets rediscovered by Modern Day Science!


Presented by: Tinesja Vanel, BCHT

Tinesja is a board certified colon hydrotherapist and health coach.  She has practiced this profession for over 20 years helping hundreds of people to reach better health, harmony and joy in their lives. She is passionate about sharing knowledge of how to incorporate therapeutic grade Essential Oils into our daily health regimens, a major old and often forgotten health tool

Tuesday November 5, 2013

7 – 9 pm

Learn how  only the highest quality Essential Oils are acceptable to use for health improvement

Find out how some simple life style adjustments can give you better health and happiness

The secret: Purifying and protecting your body, mind & emotional health on a daily basis!

Transform your body to: better sleep, more energy, clarity of mind,

November Special of incredible value!

Only $50 for 60 min Swedish Massage –

Swedish Massage – the classic form of relaxation massage.

It reduces stress, both emotional and physical.

Swedish Massage is a system of long strokes, kneading, friction, tapotement, percussion, vibration and shaking motions that apply pressure between muscles and bones, rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart.

The main purpose of Swedish Massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles.

Other benefits:

-shortens recovery time from muscular strain

– increase circulation without increasing the heart load

– stretches the ligaments and tendons

– stimulates the skin

– soothes the nervous system.

For appointments please call Doriana Donciu at 604.719.4079