What’s hidden in Your Colon? True story.

by Kim-Louise Easterbrook Thirteen years ago my dear, 72-year-old grandma was waiting for her second colon operation. I told her about the benefits of clearing a congested colon. She was open to experimenting. A month later she rang me up all excited after she...

A Powerful Way to Enhance the Detoxification Process

Dry Skin Brushing Dry Brushing was recommended by the Finnish medical doctor Dr., Paavo Airola for his patients 30 years ago and is still popular in European spas and many cancer treatment centers today. The Russians, Turks and Scandinavians have used this treatment...

Prevention of the Preventative Measure

An excerpt from article in Common Ground that raises questions about screening and testing where it may not be necessary. ….. Two impressive victories in the prevention propaganda war concerned widely promoted forms of medical screening, which promise to save us...